Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I purchase tickets for events?

Visit our events page and click the purchase ticket button or visit ticket mate and search for Fiji Fashion Week Events to purchase tickets.

Can I still purchase tickets at the door?

Yes, tickets are still available at the door on the days of the show but be sure to purchase your tickets early if you are looking for a particular seat. Payment options include Efpos, M-paisa, or Cash.

Can I exit and re-enter?

Once your ticket has been scanned at the check in and the doors have been closed for the show, you will not be allowed back into the arena until the after party has begun.

If I have purchased a ticket but am unable to attend, can I give it to someone else?

Yes, you are able to give your ticket to anymore, but please make sure to send the change of name and contact details to as the team will check ID’s to ensure it is their ticket. If the ticket and Id’s do not match, entry will be denied.

Are the events all ages?

All ticket holders must be 13 years old and above to attend events and must be supervised during the after party. Children under 18 will receive a wrist band check in to ensure no alcohol is provided to minors.

How can I purchase designers’ pieces from the runway?

Designers contact and pages will be linked under the designers’ page on our website where they can be contacted for purchases. If you are unable to find the designer, please contact our Designer Relations Manager, Dan Matanimeke at